Informazioni sulla fonte Iowa, Stati Uniti, Pratiche relative agli indennizzi della seconda guerra mondiale, 1947-1954 [database online]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Dati originali: WWII Bonus Case Files. State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa.

 Iowa, Stati Uniti, Pratiche relative agli indennizzi della seconda guerra mondiale, 1947-1954

Nel maggio del 1947, la legislatura dello Iowa approvò il pagamento di indennizzi extra fino a $500 per gli uomini e per le donne che prestarono servizio militare attivo nelle forze armate degli Stati Uniti tra il 16 settembre 1940 e il 2 settembre 1945. Per qualificarsi, i richiedenti dovevano essere stati legalmente residenti nello Iowa per almeno sei mesi prima dell’inizio del servizio. Questo database contiene le richieste di tali indennizzi.

In May 1947, the Iowa Legislature approved bonus payments of up to $500 for men and women who served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces between 16 September 1940 and 2 September 1945. To qualify, applicants had to be legal residents of Iowa for at least the six months prior to their service. This database contains applications for those payments.

Along with name, birth date and place, place of residence for six months prior to enlistment or induction, and address where a check could be sent, forms may provide a wide variety of details related to the applicant’s service:

  • applicant’s service or serial number
  • name the applicant served under
  • date of entry into and separation from active service
  • credit for foreign service
  • school attendance during service
  • time lost to AWOL, desertion, confinement
  • branch of service
  • address at time registered for Selective Service
  • application made to any other state for compensation
  • units served in during WWII

The forms in this database were filled out by veterans. Beneficiaries could also apply for the payments, but did so using a separate form. Refer to Iowa, U.S., World War II Bonus Case Files for Beneficiaries, 1947-1959.