Informazioni sulla fonte Contea di Sussex, Registri successione del Delaware, 1680-1800 [database online]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Dati originali: Calendar of Sussex County, Delaware Probate Records, 1680-1800. Georgetown, DE: Public Archives Commission, 1964.

 Contea di Sussex, Registri successione del Delaware, 1680-1800

Compilazione dei documenti di successione e degli estratti dei testamenti della contea del Sussex in Delaware per il periodo 1680-1800
Created from New Castle County in Delaware, Sussex County is the southernmost county in the state. This database is a collection of some probate records and will abstracts from the county between 1680 and 1800. Arranged in chronological order, the records provide the individual's name, date of will, names of heirs, executor, and witnesses. It can also reveal the probate date and reference information including will book title, volume, and page number. Containing the names of over 10,000 persons, this database can be helpful to researchers of early Delaware ancestors.