Informazioni sulla fonte

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Palestina, Immigrazione illegale dall’Europa occupata dai nazisti, 1938-1945 (USHMM) [database online]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012.

This collection was indexed by World Memory Project contributors from the digitized holdings of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, RG-68.067M: Illegal immigration to Palestine (RG 17). For more information about this collection, click on the collection title above to access the USHMM’s catalog record, or email [email protected].

The World Memory Project is part of the Ancestry World Archives Project. Click here to see additional World Memory Project collections.

 Palestina, Immigrazione illegale dall’Europa occupata dai nazisti, 1938-1945 (USHMM)

In questo database sono archiviate le informazioni estratte dagli ordini di deportazione degli immigrati illegali in Palestina negli anni 1938-1946. I documenti includono dei promemoria di dati personali (politici) e i questionari riservati della polizia palestinese che offrono i dati biografici sugli immigrati illegali in Palestina provenienti dalle zone d’Europa occupate dai nazisti. I questionari includono anche i dati biografici e le fotografie degli ebrei di Vienna e Bratislava che, dopo aver tentato di immigrare illegalmente in Palestina, furono successivamente deportati in un campo di internamento delle Mauritius.

This database contain an index of details extracted from deportation orders of illegal immigrants to Palestine from Nazi-occupied Europe and postwar Europe from 1938–1947. During this time, Great Britain exercised a mandate over Palestine and enforced strict immigration quotas. Jewish refugees who entered Palestine without valid entry permits were considered illegal immigrants. The information in this database is from Palestine Mandate Authority Police Force questionnaires and other documentation. Some of the information pertains to Jews from Vienna and Bratislava whom British authorities subsequently deported to a holding camp on Mauritius. The original documents are held by the Israel State Archives.

What's in the Records

Records in this database have been extracted from several different document types, primarily:

  • application for an order of deportation
  • memorandum of personal data
  • particulars of an illegal immigrant
  • order of deportation
  • bond for appearance

While this database does not include images of these documents, indexed records for individuals may include details such as:

  • name
  • gender
  • age
  • birth date
  • birthplace
  • father’s name
  • mother’s name
  • residence
  • occupation
  • employer
  • languages spoken
  • address in country of origin
  • religion
  • marital status
  • spouse’s name
  • present nationality
  • party affiliation
  • dependents
  • previous residence
  • present circumstances
  • last departure date
  • entry date
  • entry location
  • entry ship
  • route followed
  • passport details
  • document details
  • height
  • arrest date
  • offence
  • offence date
  • dependents
  • document location
  • document date
  • document number

Ordering Records

Additional details about these victims may be included in the original records. While the index is freely accessible from, the images of these records are not available in this database. Copies of the images can be ordered at no cost from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Click here for ordering information.

Historical Background

More information about Jewish immigration to Palestine during World War II is available in the online Holocaust Encyclopedia.

Click here to watch historical footage of a ship carrying more than 500 Jewish illegal immigrants from Greece to Palestine, which arrived in Haifa in August 1946.