Informazioni sulla fonte

JewishGen Volunteers, comp. Olocausto: Documenti di decesso degli ospedali del ghetto di Łódż (Polonia), 1941-1944 [database online]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.
Dati originali: Stadtverwaltung Litzmannstadt. Washington, D.C.: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. RG-05.008M. Reels 8-9. This data is provided in partnership with

 Olocausto: Documenti di decesso degli ospedali del ghetto di Łódż (Polonia), 1941-1944

Questo database contiene i nomi degli individui che morirono negli ospedali del ghetto di Lodz tra il 24 novembre1941 e il 18 giugno1944. Le informazioni sono state ricavate da due fonti: (1) i documenti degli ospedali del ghetto e (2) i documenti dell'ufficio statistico. I documenti dell'ufficio statistico sono copie dei documenti degli ospedali del ghetto. Sono utilizzati entrambi come fonti perché in alcuni casi è sopravvissuta o è nota una sola delle copie dei documenti.

Historical Background:

Given the close living quarters in the Lodz ghetto, its poor sanitary conditions, hard labor, lack of heat and warm clothing, and an inadequate food supply, it is not surprising that many succumbed to epidemics, starvation, and freezing weather, as well as the physical brutality of the Nazis. Heart disease, tuberculosis, and malnutrition caused many of the deaths in the ghetto. In the ghetto's five hospitals, staff tried to fight illness without adequate medicines, medical equipment, even beds.

About the Database:

This database contains the names of individuals who died in the Lodz Ghetto Hospital(s). Information was extracted from two sources: (1) the Ghetto Hospital Records, and (2) the Statistical Office Records. The Statistical Office Records are copies of the Ghetto Hospital Records. However, both have been used as sources because in some instances only one or other of the copies have survived or known to be in existence.

Ledgers were kept on a weekly basis and include approximately 14,500 individual records. Some of the original weekly ledgers are missing. Therefore, this database is not complete and will not include records for certain weeks. This database includes records from the week of 24 November 1941 to 18 June 1944.

Information contained in the database includes:

  • Week Starting Date (List Date)

  • Page Number

  • Line Number

  • Surname

  • Given Name

  • Address

  • Occupation

  • Birth Date

  • Birth Place

  • Date of Death

  • Cause of Death

  • Comments

  • Document Source